Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Qualifications Of A Good Man

Psalm 37:23 - NKJV
The steps of a good a man are ordered by the Lord, and He delights in his way.

In reading this verse, we all know that this is not speaking to just one gender but this morning I was prompted in my spirit to release this to every father, husband, grandfather, uncle, and single man. Although this truth is for everybody, my assignment is to focus on the men. There were times I interpreted this scripture to mean that when God begins to order an individual's steps, He was doing it because he was obligated to do it. However, the Lord opened my eyes to see what he was really saying in this verse. Before I release what He showed me, let's first look at what a good man is not and then what a good man is.

What A Good Man Is Not

1. A man who has a job.
2. A man who provides.
3. A man who loves his wife.
4. A man who is successful.
5. A man who takes care of his kids.
6. A man who is full of knowledge.
7. A man who has money.
8. A man who has lots of money.
9. A man who has influence.
10. A man who loves God.
11. A man who lives in the best area.
12. A man who puts his family in the best or most comfortable place possible.
13. A man who puts his family first.

I could go on, but these things listed above have been made the standard or code for every man to live by and strive for. When the Lord told me that I was a good man, I received His word to me and then I asked Him,"What exactly qualifies a man to be a good man according to the word"? He said the following:

What A Good Man Is

1. A man who does not fret because of evildoers.
2. A man who is not envious of the workers of iniquity.
3. A man who trust in the Lord and do good.
4. A man who dwells (unmovable) in the land.
5. A man who delights (flexible and bendable) himself in the Lord.
6. A man who feeds on God's faithfulness.
7. A man who commits his way to the Lord.
8. A man who chooses to rest in the Lord.
9. A man who waits patiently for the Lord.
10. A man who cease from anger and forsake wrath.

Now let's compare the the two and break this down. You can love God and not trust in Him. You can make the money, be successful, provide for the kids, love the wife, put your family first, live in the best area, have the best job, have a job, have major influence and not feed on God's faithfulness or delight in Him. The word delight in the Hebrew doesn't mean to just love God and enjoy His presence but to be bendable and flexible. Flexible enough to let go of your way and follow His way. There have been many opinions and judgments made based upon the first list above against men who God has qualified to be a good man. Psalm 37:32-33 - The wicked watches the righteous and seeks to slay him. The Lord will not leave him in his hand nor condemn him we he is judge. These wicked ones can be believers who are praying for God to condemn (declare one one wrong) them while they are judging them. In other words they want God to back up their judgments but the Lord says here that He will not.

The steps of a good man are ordered. Now, let me release to you what the Father said about this verse. When God is ordering a good man's steps, He's simply saying to that man, "I'll do it, I'll get you there, I'll take care of it, I'll provide, just rest". God will not waste His time on an individual who chooses to live by the first list above apart from Him. Why? These individuals have chosen to handle things on there on without God. The refuse to trust Him, they like and want things their way, and believe that they can make things happen on their own.Jeremiah 17:5 - Cursed is the man who trust in man and makes flesh his strength. Whose heart departs from the Lord .

The mystery in this verse is that when a man chooses to be a good man according Psalm 37:1-8, he will find that everything in the first list is taken care of and ordered by God. This man won't have to worry about keeping his finance in order because God is ordering it. He doesn't has to worry about keeping his family first so nothing is out of balance or lacking because God is ordering or setting the right balance. There are no worries about having a job or keeping a job so that the bills, food, gas, and other needs are taken care of because God is ordering that too.

So to every male that has been persecuted for not living up to the standard of the wicked, please lift your hands now to the Father and decree and declare these words with authority over your life:

I am a good man.
I am not afraid of evil doers.
I am not envious of the workers of iniquity.
I am trusting in You and I am doing good.
God you will give me the desires of my heart.
You shall bring it to pass.
You shall bring forth my righteousness as the light and my justice as the noonday.
I am resting in the You.
I am waiting patiently for You.
I cease from anger and forsake wrath.
I shall inherit the earth.
I am meek.
Father you know my days.
My inheritance shall be forever.
I shall not be ashamed in the evil time.
In the days of famine I shall be satisfied.
I shall show mercy and continue to be a giver.
I am a good man.
My steps are ordered by You.
You delight in my way.
Though I fall, I shall not be utterly cast down.
I am not forsaken.
I will never beg for bread because I am your son.
God you are forever merciful.
I am blessed.
My life is preserved by You.
My mouth is filled with Your wisdom.
My tongue speaks of Your justice.
God your law is in my heart.
None of my steps shall slide.
You will not leave me in the hands of the wicked.
You will not condemn me when I am judged.
You will exalt me to inherit the land.
When the wicked is cut off, I shall see it.
My future is peace.
My salvation comes from You.
You are my strength in the time of trouble.
You shall help me and deliver me.
You shall deliver me and save me from the wicked because I trust in you.
I love you.
You love me.
I am in you.
You are in me.
I am good ground.
I am a good husband.
I am a good father.
I am a good uncle.
I am a good grandfather
I am a good brother
I am a good leader.
I am a good son.
I am a good man.


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